How to rupture film membrane strawberry seedlings

How to rupture film membrane strawberry seedlings

In the cultivation of mulching strawberry, the time and quality of membrane induced seedling directly affects the production and output of strawberry. Therefore, how to break membranes and induce seedlings becomes the focus of the management of mulching strawberry in spring.

1. Remove the cover from the membrane When the soil is soiled in the spring, remove the coverings such as straw and corn stover on the mulching film, and clean the surface of the mulching film to improve the temperature of the light and improve the microclimate in the membrane.

2. Grasp the time of membrane rupture As the temperature in spring rises, the strawberry that has been dormant over winter resumes its growth and new leaves are developed. Membrane breakage time is usually in the budding stage of the new strawberry leaves. When the temperature below the membrane is not higher than 30°C, the ruptured membrane is better. Broken film prematurely, strawberry leaves are tender, the outside temperature is low, it is easy to make the strawberries cold and frozen; too late membrane, the membrane temperature is too high, easy to burn the new leaves, but also easy to make the old leaves dry.

3. Membrane-induced seedling method: Cut a small hole directly above the strawberry plant with a blade. Protect the strawberry plant by hand. Gently lift it out of the membrane. Then cover the mulch around the strawberry with soil to prevent air from entering along the break. In order to form a bulge inside the film, the wind blows off.

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