How to use livestock and poultry manure fermentation feed

How to use livestock and poultry manure fermentation feed

Hey, I believe we all heard that there are many benefits to humanity. Therefore, both China and many countries in the world are vigorously promoting the use of aphid and aquaculture. So how can we quickly and cost-effectively culture aquaculture? Apes are omnivorous animals that do not eat in addition to glass, plastics, metals, and rubber. Others such as humus, animal waste, soil bacteria, etc., and decomposition products of these substances are eaten. Therefore, we can use the Garnet Fertilizer Fermenting Agent to ferment livestock and poultry manure into a quail feed:

Bottom: Fermentation of animal manure by fermenting with Kinpo-1 fertilizer


First, ingredients according to the weight of the material to be fermented 0.1% (that is, one thousandth) to prepare a Golden Fertilizer type fertilizer starter; with fresh rice bran (Note: "rice bran" is not "unified", rice bran nutrition and permeability All are good, old rice bran or untied nutrients are poor, and both are unfavorable) Dilution of the starter (5 kg of rice bran per kilogram of goldfish fermentation aid).
The chicken manure (about 50%) is mixed with a certain proportion of straw powder, mushroom residue, peanut shell powder, or rice husk and sawdust, and a diluted golden baby type fertilizer starter is added.
Second, adjust the moisture adjustment Moisture Note that the first increase, close to the request (65%), slowly increase, to prevent excessive moisture, in case of excessive water overweight, can be added dry material adjustment.
65% of the water content of raw materials to determine the way: hand tightly grasping the material, see the water does not drop, landing to spread. In fact, 65% of the water is not too wet. Please pay attention to the correct judgment.
Third, build a heap.
After the preparation of materials, build a heap of bacteria, the height and volume can not be too short and small, requirements: heap height of 1.5 to 2 meters, 2 meters wide, the length can be adjusted according to the number of fermentation materials, at least not less than 2 meters.
Fourth, mix and ventilate.
The Golden Baby Ferment Fermenting Agent has (consumption) oxygen fermentation, so it should increase oxygen supply measures, so that mix well, diligent turning, ventilation is appropriate. Otherwise it will cause anaerobic fermentation and produce odor, affecting the effect.
Fifth, temperature.
The starting temperature is preferably higher than 10°C (four seasons can be used, not affected by the season, winter as much as possible in the indoor or greenhouse fermentation), fermentation temperature control at 70 ~ 75 °C is appropriate.
Six, complete.
In the first 2-3 days, when the temperature is above 65°C, it should be overturned. Generally, the fermentation can be completed within one week. The material is dark brown and the temperature begins to fall to room temperature, indicating that the fermentation is completed.

Seven, adjust the PH
After the completion of the fermentation, test the pH value (the pH of the fecal material added to the ginseng's feed starter will naturally drop to 6.5-7.5, normally it does not have to be adjusted.) 蚯蚓The feed generally requires a suitable pH value of 6-7.5, but many The PH value of animal and plant wastes is often higher or lower than this value. For example, the pH of animal waste is 7.5-9.5. Therefore, the pH of the quail feed must be properly adjusted so that it is close to neutral to be suitable. Grow.
8. Feeding We use the method of adding and feeding on the side. The method of adding the food is to cover the feed that has been eaten by the cockroach every 10 to 15 days. The side-feeding method is to remove the portion that has been eaten. The feed will add new feed to one side and add the other side next time.
In addition, the materials fermented with the golden babe fertilizer starter can be fed to low-grade animals such as fish, cockroach, and tenebrio, if it is desired to utilize animal excrements with high nutrient content (eg, chicken manure) to feed the pigs, chickens, ducks, etc. For higher animals, you can use Jinbao Type II feed starter. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline: Taobao Website:

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