Green shrimp - crab pond polyculture

Green shrimp - crab pond polyculture

First, the pond is prepared to practise ponds with mixed shrimps and crabs. The area is suitable for 5 mu to 10 mu. The water depth is 1 meter to 1.5 meters. The pond slope is about 1:3. It requires no leakage, drainage and irrigation are convenient, and the water supply is sufficient. Fresh, rich in dissolved oxygen, no industrial or domestic sewage pollution.
Aquaculture ponds should be cleared of excessive silt, exposed to sunlight in winter and stocked for half a month to one month before stocking. Each loach is sterilized with quicklime 75 kg to 100 kg mash or bleach 20 kg per pool. , improve the pond sediment.
There should be anti-escape facilities around the pond. Generally, a 0.5-meter-high aluminum or plastic plate is inserted into the 0.2-meter circle in the soil. Plastic film can also be used to surround the pond. A slope of more than 1m is reserved in the anti-escape facilities to facilitate feeding and management, and there are sufficient areas for river crab activities. The water inlet is filtered with 60 mesh to 80 mesh nylon mesh bag to prevent the wild fish eggs from entering the pool. The outlet is installed with a dense mesh to prevent the shrimps from fleeing. Water plants such as peanuts, water spinach and water lettuce can be planted or transplanted around the shallow water zone 1 meter from the edge of the pond, with a width of about 1 meter. The area of ​​aquatic crops should be controlled at about 25% of the pond area during the period of high growth. The excess should be manually removed.
Second, the seed stocking can be put into the first instar dung beetle 600 to 800 per acre, or 1000 crabs to 1,200, crabs, 40,000 shrimp seedlings. The stocked crabs and shrimps require pure varieties, neat specifications, complete appendages, and no disease. One-year-old crabs should be stocked to avoid the cold winter period, and the crabs and crabs should be stored as soon as possible in order to improve the specifications of the outlet. In addition, one-year-old flower and white-tailed chain of 80 can be raised per acre pond.
Third, the feed feeding The feeding pre-feeding to pellet feed, animal feed such as snails, clams, cockroaches, small miscellaneous fish, etc., supplemented with a small amount of water, during the high temperature, increase the amount of feed plant feed; later increase the animal The amount of feed for the feed is to ensure the growth of the crab. The particle feed has a particle size of 1.5 mm to 2.2 mm, a crude protein content of 35% to 40%, and the animal feed has to be crushed. Feed 2 to 3 times a day, that is, from 8:00 to 10:00 and from 4:00 to 10:00 in the morning, accounting for 1/3 of the daily amount in the morning and 2/3 in the afternoon. The feed should be evenly distributed on the weeds belt about 1 meter away from the pond. In order to facilitate the inspection of food intake, a number of food tables can be set up around the pond for observation, generally taking 1 hour to 2 hours for basic eating.
IV. Water quality regulation During the rearing period, the pond water should maintain proper fatness, with a transparency of 0.25 to 0.3 meters. The water level at the initial stage of seedling release is maintained at 0.6-0.8m to facilitate warming; in the middle and late stages, especially at the end of autumn and winter, it is increased to 1m-1.5m to facilitate wintering. The new water is replenished once every 2 months to 1 month; in the high temperature season from July to September, the water is changed every 5 days to 7 days. Before the new water is injected, the lower layer of water shall be discharged, and the amount of refill is 0.2 to 0.3 meters. Sprinkle lime 1 time every 10 days to half a month, 5 kg to 10 kg per acre each time, to increase calcium, improve water quality, to meet the growth of shrimp and crab.
It is recommended to apply photosynthetic bacteria in shrimp and crab mixed ponds. Practice has shown that shrimps and crab ponds that use photosynthetic bacteria are less susceptible to diseases and can increase production by an average of 10% to 15%. The shrimps and crabs produced are large in size and color, and can also reduce the use of water exchange and aerators. frequency.
Fifth, disease prevention and control ponds to maintain good water quality, regular spill lime, feeding high quality fresh feed, generally prevent the occurrence of diseases. For ciliary diseases and bacterial diseases, 0.2 mg/kg of zinc sulfate or 0.3 mg/kg of “carapace net” Quanchiposa can be used; bacterial disease can be splashed with 0.5 mg/kg bleach.
6. The listed crabs will be listed for sale in October and will continue to be used around the Spring Festival. Green prawn is on the market from New Year's Day to Spring Festival. It is copied by copying, and finally caught in dry ponds. Small-scale green shrimp can be kept under market conditions until the following year.