How to feed sweet potatoes and fermented sweet potatoes

How to feed sweet potatoes and fermented sweet potatoes

How sweet potatoes are fed to pigs and fermentation methods are explained. Sweet potato is a high energy feed. Sweet and palatable, nutrient-rich, is a good feed for pigs, a kilogram of fresh potatoes containing digestive energy of 0. 97 megacalories, equivalent to 0.33 kilograms of rice energy. However, the sweet potato protein content is low, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals and vitamins lack, a long time a single sweet potato feed to the pig, can cause indigestion, affect the balanced absorption of various nutrients, causing pigs unwell, uneasy. Improper feeding, pigs are also prone to reduce food, stop eating, dropping or poisoning. Therefore, we must pay attention to the method when feeding sweet potatoes. The following is the main introduction of scientific breeding techniques and agricultural techniques. Rational feeding of sweet potatoes can make pigs grow faster, have higher fat deposition rate, and have good pork quality.

First, feed attention and the best method:

1, feeding as little as possible to Tim Tim, regular ration, in order to help improve gastrointestinal digestion. If they are fed with green feed, they should first feed green fodder and then feed sweet potatoes; if they are fed with other concentrates, they should have a proper proportion. If cooked, feed it in time after cooking. At the same time, pay attention to the cleanliness of the utensils to prevent the rancidity of sweet potatoes from being stored for too long. When feeding sweet potatoes, it is necessary to make a reasonable match with the fine ingredients so as to complement each other. Promote healthy growth of pigs.

2, with sweet potatoes to feed the pig, generally do not feed, use raw sweet potatoes to feed the pig, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite. Sweet potatoes should be chopped or beaten to be boiled or silaged and fed. Sweet potatoes should be fed in a timely manner and must not be placed too long. The diseased potatoes or their lesions should be removed in time to prevent poisoning. Piglets, sows and boars should be fed less sweet potatoes. If a large number of sweet potatoes are staple foods for a long period of time, neglecting the combination of protein feeds and green feeds will easily lead to swollen piglets.

Second, sweet potato fermentation

1, raw material formula. The sweet potatoes to be fermented can be washed, mixed, smashed, crushed into potato pulp and then fermented with ingredients. Due to different nutritional requirements of piglets, sows and fat pigs, the composition of fermentation raw materials should also be different. Specific reference can be made to the following table: 15-40 kg of pigs, about 80% of sweet potatoes + 7% rice bran + 4% corn flour +7% Soybean meal + 1% fish meal +0.3-0.5% salt +0.2% Ginba bio sweet potato feed starter +2% premix; 40-60 kilogram pig, use about 75% sweet potato + 10% rice bran +4 % corn meal + 9% fava bean + 0.5-0.8% salt + 0.2% jinbab bio sweet potato feed starter + 2% premix; 60 kg or more pigs with about 75% sweet potato +10% glutinous rice + 3% corn meal + 7% Soybean meal + 1% fish meal + 0.5-0.8% salt + 0.2% Ginba bio sweet potato feed starter + 2% premix. After preparing the material according to the recipe above, the second step can be performed;

2, adjust the moisture. Adjust the moisture of the prepared fermentation material to 65~75%. Determine the moisture method: grab a handful of material, and see the watermark between the fingers but not dripping water. It is suitable for landing, less water, slow fermentation, and more moisture. Poor sex can also lead to odors produced by the fermentation of spoilage bacteria;

3, temperature control. Fermentation start temperature should be faster than 15 to 20 degrees fermentation;

4, fermentation control. The material should be completely sealed but not compacted; when using tightly sealed containers for fermentation, the outside should be covered or wrapped with a gas-tight plastic bag or plastic cloth and tightly fastened, absolutely sealed; Open up and down, generally 1 to 3 days of fermentation can be completed (finished wine or frankincense, acid and flavor). After fermentation, the finished product should be sealed immediately after each feeding. It is best to use a large bag or a large pool to add 10-30 kilograms of each independent bag to ferment at the same time; the finished product after fermentation can be separately sealed with a small bag, or Drying and dehydration, low-temperature drying, or granulation, etc. are preserved; finished products after fermentation should be fed as required. When trials are conducted in small batches, the total weight of single batch fermentation materials should not be less than 100 kg.

Third, a reasonable amount of feed.

According to the pig's weight, age, sex, etc. to determine the feeding amount, the amount of feed is too large, other feeds eat less, can not get a comprehensive nutrition. In general, piglets, sows, sows and boars should be fed less. The daily feed should be controlled at about 20% of the diet. For pigs weighing less than 35 kg, 1.5-2.5 kg of sweet potatoes and green feed should be fed on a daily basis. Feed 0.8 kg; 35-60 kg of pigs, 3.5-4.5 kg of sweet potato and green feed per day, 0.9-1 kg of feed; 60 kg or more of pigs, 5 to 7.5 kg of sweet potatoes and green feed each day. Formulated feed 1-1.25 kg.

Prevention and treatment of pig diseases: poisoning treatment - poisoning often occurs 3-4 days after eating, showing elevated body temperature, loss of appetite, constipation, fecal dry black ball, and often accompanied by mucus and blood. Once porcine poisoning is detected, laxatives can be given internally and gastric lavage can be performed with 0.1%-0.2% potassium permanganate or 1% cupric sulfate solution; 20% solution of urotropin can be used when metabolic dysfunction presents with acidosis. 50-100 ml intravenous injection; patients with dyspnea subcutaneous injection of aminophylline or atropine, nikethamide, etc.; weak heart can inject cardiac agents to enhance heart function, is conducive to rehabilitation.

Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. telephone toll-free hotline 为什么要利用生物发酵饲料技术处理玉米秸秆

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