Which feeds are cooked and cooked differently

Which feeds are cooked and cooked differently

In many feedstuffs for livestock and poultry, some are suitable for feeding and some are suitable for feeding. The two cannot be confused. Otherwise, it will not only reduce the nutritional value of feed, but also cause harm to livestock and poultry.

Feed suitable for feed

Avoid cooked silage. The feed is made by the anaerobic fermentation of microorganisms. It contains many nutrients, fresh green, juicy and delicious, and contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid, is conducive to digestion, and has a disease-preventing effect, suitable for raw feed, avoid cooked feed .

Leeks (grain pods) and beet leaves. The feed contains plenty of leaves, rich in vitamins, and has good palatability. If cooked, it will not only destroy large amounts of nutrients but also produce harmful substances such as nitrites.

Suitable for feeding raw feed

Cotton cake and rape cake. The former contains free gossypol, and the latter contains glucosinolates. These are toxic substances and must be fed after high-temperature detoxification. Otherwise, they will cause poisoning in livestock and poultry.

Cassava and potatoes. They contain toxic compounds such as hydrocyanic acid and solanine respectively. These toxic substances can be decomposed at high temperatures and should be cooked.

Soybeans, peas, beans. They all contain anti-trypsin and other harmful active substances, which are easy to cause poisoning in livestock and poultry, so they should not be fed.

Water lettuce, water hyacinth, water duckweed, water chestnut leaf and revolutionary grass (water peanut). These aquatic plants are often borne by parasite eggs and parasite adults and should be cooked.

Sorghum and pumpkin. They contain tannins and ureases, respectively. Tannins affect the use of amino acids in feed. Urease breaks down into urine and protein in livestock and poultry, and produces harmful ammonia. It causes unpleasant stimulation to the digestive tract and should not be fed. When these two feeds are cooked at high temperatures, some of the harmful substances contained in them are not only harmless, but they are also converted into substances beneficial to the growth of livestock and poultry.

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