Prevention and treatment of lemon anthracnose

Prevention and treatment of lemon anthracnose

Lemon is one of the important citrus varieties in our district. There are large planting areas in the towns (townships and streets) of Baiyang, Tailong, Huangbai, Jiuchi and Bell and Drum Towers in our district. Lemon anthrax is one of the major diseases in the lemon production in our district. I am standing in the town of Shuangshi and Huimin Village in Baiyang Town. The lemon production area in the town is highly prone to frost damage due to high altitude. As a result, anthrax occurs more commonly and local local hazards become more serious, becoming a “stumbling block” in lemon production. "It is really necessary to do a good job in preventing and curing lemon anthracnose.

First, the performance of lemon anthrax symptoms:

Lemon anthracnose occurs on leaves with leaf spots and leaf blight. Leaf spot lesions occur at the leaf margins or tip, mostly semicircular or suborbicular. The disease is slightly concave and light grayish brown. The boundary between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health is obvious. Black spots appear concentrically on the lesions, and the small grains become red when wet. The leaves are mostly in the spring, and the disease is mostly on the tips of the leaves. The initial lesions are Dark green, such as boiling water scald, quickly expanded into brown, diseased tissue mostly "V" shape dead, more red small leaves, often caused by leaf rot off. Lemon anthracnose occurs on the shoots, one of which is off-white and one is light brown with scattered black dots on it. Damage to young fruit is caused by the appearance of dark green, oily and irregular lesions. It then expands to full fruit, followed by pitting of the lesions. The fruits grow white mold layer and red soil dots, or the fruit rots, or the stiff fruit hangs on the branches. on.

Occurrence and development of the law: the occurrence of severe frost damage, early spring, low temperature, moist, hot and rainy summer and autumn, farming, transplanting orchard water, excessive fertilization and other conditions when the disease. The pathogens overwinter in diseased tissues. Conidia are transmitted by wind, rain, and insects. They invade from wounds, stomata, and lenticels and can infect throughout the growing period of lemons. Usually from the beginning of April to April, the incidence of summer shoots, the most suitable condition is the temperature conditions of 21-28 °C.

Control methods:

Agricultural control: Improve lemon garden management. Do a good job of fertilizer and water management, pest control and anti-freezing, etc., to avoid causing mechanical damage to the tree, and to protect the robust tree vigor. Cut pests, weak branches and leggy branches, clear the fallen leaves and burn them together. After cutting the branches, apply 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 100-200 times to the wound.

Chemical control:

(1) 65% zein zinc 500---800 times spray.

(2) 70% thiophanate 500 - 800 times spray.

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