Winter kidney misunderstanding

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is raised in spring, the heart is cultivated in summer, the lungs are cultivated in autumn, and the kidney is raised in winter. At this time, it is winter (3 months from the beginning of the winter to the beginning of the spring). It i.......

Hay Science Feeding Livestock Attention Points

The leaves are more important, the coarse and fine materials are well matched, and the single roughage is not fed, and it is more important for the straw to be chopped and fed to the leaves. The nutrient content of various hay and straw leaves was more than that of stems. For example, the cont.......

The main period of occurrence of rice blast

Rice blast can occur during the entire growth period of rice, and all parts of rice plants can be affected. However, in the northern rice region, the most serious is the panicle blast and branch stem borer, which can cause severe disease when severe. The prevention and treatment methods mainly.......

Trace Element Liquid Foliar Fertilizer - Magnesium Calcium

Mamium calcium is a pure nutrient-free foliar fertilizer without hormones. Molybdenum, a special ingredient, can promote the conversion of nitrate nitrogen in plants and reduce the nitrite content in plants. Because it does not contain chlorine, it does not cause irritation to the leaves a.......

What kind of vegetables should diabetics eat?

For people with diabetes, lowering blood sugar is very important. Stabilize blood sugar. Never allow blood sugar to fluctuate. In terms of reducing blood sugar in people with diabetes, in addition to drug control, some diabetic diets are very nutritious and have a good effect of lowering b.......

Equinox diet should not be hot and cold

The spring equinox is mid-spring, in view of traditional Chinese medicine health, at this time liver qi Wang, kidney gas micro, so in the diet to abstain from acid sedative, help the kidney tonic liver, taboo hot, cold, biased, partial fall diet errors . At the sam.......

Six technologies to improve the efficiency of raising sheep

At present, the sheep-raising industry is gradually developing from the raising of sheep in the pastoral areas to the agricultural areas, and it is difficult to obtain maximum economic benefits from the traditional extensive feeding methods in the agricultural areas. Therefore, with the la.......

Clever use of plants to prevent disease

Garlic stems and leaves cut the stems and stems of the garlic into 6 cm segments and sprinkle them in the early rice field to allow them to rot. Allicin contained in garlic can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases and reduce the number of spraying pesticides. If you can put the chop.......

How to maintain spring health

I. Climate and Phenological Features of the Spring Equinox

The vernal equinox is the fourth solar term in the 24th solar terms, and it is the fourth of the six solar terms in the spring. In the Gregorian calendar on March 21 of each year, the sun goes through 0°, and the dagger .......

Flaxseed oil consumption method

1. Cold-pressed flaxseed oil can be used as cold vegetable, prepared salad, drenched in soup, or drenched in cooking oil before cooking.

In the preparation of salads, cold-pressed flaxseed oil can be well mixed with various types of salad dressings and maintain its original flavor;.......