Spring seed preparation should pay attention to what issues

1. Strictly follow the main cultivation measures provided by the seed operators and use conditions to indicate their use. To achieve good seed support, in particular, do not arbitrarily change the sowing date and use of growth regulators so as to avoid losses due to improper use. These hav.......

How to make skin white

As a woman who does not want to let others call her Huanglian Po, who would like to have a white face, but the dark yellow skin will still find the door, how to reduce the skin dark yellow, a woman looking dark yellow to eat anything good? Ten kinds of glutinous an.......

Magical effects of 13 common vegetables

Of the vegetables beneficial to health, sweet potatoes ranked first. In addition, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, eggplant and other vegetables have a good effect on health. The following Xiao Bian will experts consider some of the vegetables belonging to healthy foods.......

Covered garlic in the middle and late fistula

After the garlic has entered the middle growth period, the garlic has gradually expanded, and it is necessary to focus on the following management tasks:

In the middle and late periods of the growth of garlic in Qingcun Lizao, there is an increase in rainwater. In some ditch-unmatc.......

Ugly fruit efficacy and function

The Ugly Orange’s literary name is not known as fire, and it is not known as ugly mandarin orange, kimono, or ugly. It was cultivated in 1972 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Horticulture Experimentation in Japan. The ugly benchmark is his biggest .......

Winter bitter gourd off-season cultivation techniques

First, choose the appropriate sowing date

Sowing in late November is appropriate.

Second, the selection of varieties

The main varieties are hybrid green top bitter gourd, green one bitter gourd, British cited bitter gourd and so on.

Third, cultivation techni.......

How to keep fertilizer properly

Custody of fertilizers should be "six defenses": (1) Prevent mixing. Fertilizers are mixed together and it is easy to degrade physical and chemical properties. If superphosphate is exposed to ammonium nitrate, it will increase hygroscopicity and cause inconvenience of application.......