
(City of Chengdu City) Scientific name Hibiscus mutabilis Cottomrose Hibiscus Alias ​​Hibiscus hibiscus, hibiscus, Magnolia, hibiscus, huamuke Malvaceae Morphological deciduous shrubs or small trees. Branches densely stellate hairy, withered in the colder regions, withered in the.......

Azalea - Flowers in the West

Scientific name: Rhododendron simsii English name: Indian Azalea Alias: Azalea, Pomegranate, Hawthorn, Humectaceae Name: Rhododendron morphological characteristics: Azaleas have a wide range of species and are of various shapes. From the large tree (up to 2m), the main trunk stands upright or .......


Because the cactus's fleshy flower shape is peculiar, easy to cultivate, and can purify the indoor air, many people are interested in raising cactus. So, how can we get good cactus?

Temperature Cactus Like hi-temperature, dry environment, in winter, room temperature should be k.......

Red wood

The scientific name of Cornus alba is Tatharian Dogwood, which is a deciduous shrub with a distinctive morphological characteristic. Old dry dark red, blood red branches. Leaves opposite, oval. Inflorescences terminal, flowers milky white. Flowering from May to June. The fruit is white or blue.......

Bao Lotus (Figure)

The huge pink sepals and drooping spikes resemble fairy lights that fall from heaven to the earth. This novel and exotic flower is the Po Lotus. It is also known as the gemstone lotus lamp, vine vine, and its scientific name is powdered oleoresinate. It is a pere.......


Name Pansy flowers


Latin name Ctenanthe oppenheimiana cv.Tricolor



Origin distribution: South America Brazil, Costa Rica.

Morphological characteristics: Perennial grasses. Plant height 70-100 cm, stems firm, clustered,.......

Silk tail

[Scientific name]Schizostylis coccinea

[alias] safflower lotus

[Family] Iris column Iris

Native to South Africa. Cold resistance is weak and frost is not tolerated. Hi sunny, warm environment and sandy loam rich in humus. Plant height 40 ~ 90cm, with fleshy roots. L.......

Parrot flower

Name Parrot Flower


Latin name Clianthus puniceus



Distribution of origin: native New Zealand.

Morphological characteristics: plant height up to 180cm. Leaves alternate, single pinnate, leaflets 13-25, oblong, 1.5-3cm .......

Air Flower Bed - Vine Geranium

The rattan geranium, also known as ivy geranium, is the main material for European balcony planters, flower baskets, and flower buds. It was introduced in China last year. It is mainly used for hanging flower baskets and tall flower pots. At present, the commonly used varieties are 'Tornad.......