Rape winter management advice

In view of the fact that some of the current varieties and some of the crops have heavy frost damage, as long as the field management of frozen rape is still able to win high yields, the following field management measures are proposed.

1. Qinggou Drainage: Clean the silt in the di.......

What are the benefits of winter fruit irrigation?

As the saying goes: “The orchards do not have winter irrigation, they are cold and they are affected by drought; the orchards irrigate winter water and open the spring.” This means that the orchards are best to pour water once before the soil is frozen, and winter irrigation is.......

Why Emphasis on Medications in Apple Flushing Period

Apple red period to inflorescence separation period is one of the key periods to prevent orchard pests and diseases in the orchard: On the one hand, it is the wintering period of the apple leaf roller moth and the golden eggworm hatching incubation period, and it is also the wintering egg hatc.......

How to improve the fruit set and evenness of grapes

Increasing the fruit set rate of grapes and ensuring the consistency of fruit size are the key to improving the quality and economic efficiency of grapes. However, in production, there are often phenomena of low fruit setting rate and size. Through practice, the author summarizes the reasons a.......

How to reasonably use cottonseed cake to feed livestock

Consultation: Ask the experts, how to use cottonseed cake reasonably to feed livestock?

Answer: Cottonseed cake is a protein feed commonly used in livestock production to feed livestock. However, since cottonseeds contain gossypol and cyclopropene fatty acids that are harmful to an.......

Winter greenhouse vegetables fill light

According to reports, the following methods can be used to supplement the lighting of the shed. First, the use of mechanical shutters can not only save manpower and reduce labor intensity, but also can significantly shorten the time for exposing and covering straw (or insulation) time and .......

Plant pest classification and control medication

1. Insects (aphids, thrips, whiteflies, fly fleas, etc.)

Drugs for prevention and control: Sheopardin/Aketai/Imidacloprid/Acetamiprid/Neneacetamide/Matrine/Veratromeine/Azadirachtin/Shinbacin (Effective on Lepidoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera, Ineffective for sucking and aphids
