Summer Apple Orchard Mastering Four Points

Correctly grasp the fertilization time

First, in early June, fertilization can be applied to early and mid-maturing cultivars such as Qinyang, Tongla, and Meiji. In the middle and late June, late-maturing varieties such as Hongxing, Jinguan, and early-maturing Fuji (Yuhua Yufu, etc.......

Kiwi Spring Management seizes these points

Planting technology

1. Prior to planting, the damaged roots and lateral roots of the seedlings should be pruned, and 15-20 cm long should be reserved. Two or four full shoots are left on the ground (or grafted) main shaft and the rest are cut off. After trimming the kiwifruit seedl.......

Peanut Formula Fertilization Technology

First, peanut formula fertilization technology

The formula fertilization of peanuts is based on the laws of fertilizer demand of peanuts, soil nutrient supply performance and fertilizer effects. Based on the application of organic fertilizers, scientific matching is applied accordi.......

Saying that grapes are fertilized and watered


The sprouting stage is watered before the grapes are unearthed and sprouted. In spring drought-scarce areas, it is also necessary to fill once with water to meet the needs of sprouting grapes.

In the early flowering period before flowering, water is poured once eve.......

How to Manage Apple Orchards in November

Management points: fall cultivation, clean orchard, trunk protection, winter irrigation security.

After the fruits of November have been harvested and the weather is getting colder, the apple trees begin to fall, but the ground temperature is not very low. At this time, we must sei.......