The fattening of a meat donkey

The fattening of a meat donkey

The use of meat donkeys for fattening is the scientific application of forage feeds and management techniques to obtain higher meat production and high quality fattening meat donkeys in less time and at lower cost. To make the donkey fattening as soon as possible, the nutrients for the donkey must be higher than normal growth and development, so the fattening is also called overfeeding.

Factors affecting fattening effect

(1) Variety. Different varieties of donkeys have different nutritional needs during the fattening period. In general, heavy-duty donkeys get the same daily gain and require less nutrients than non-meat varieties.

(2) Age. Donkeys at different stages of growth also require different levels of nutrition during the fattening period. In general, the total amount of nutrients required for unit weight gain is the lowest for young cubs and oldest donkeys. The younger the age, the longer the period of fattening. If the cubs need more than one year. The older, the shorter the fattening period, such as adult donkeys only need 3 months to 4 months.

(3) Ambient temperature. The environmental temperature has a greater impact on the nutritional needs and daily gain of finishing fat donkeys. In the low temperature environment, the feed utilization rate of donkeys decreased. In the high temperature environment, the donkey's breathing increases and the feed intake decreases. If the temperature is too high, it will result in food stoppage. Especially in the late period of fattening, the donkey is more fat and the high temperature hazard is more serious. According to the physiological characteristics of the donkey, the suitable temperature is 16°C~21°C.

(4) Feed types. Different types of feed will directly affect the quality of donkey meat. Feeding regulation is the most important means to increase meat production and quality. The type of feed has an important influence on the color and taste of the meat. For example, a donkey that is fattened by yellow corn has a yellow flesh and fat and a strong aroma. Feeding granular hay powder and concentrate feed can quickly deposit fat in muscle fibers and improve meat quality. Feeding more feeds containing more iron The flesh is thick; more buckwheat is lighter.

Meat donkey fattening points

(1) The proportion of various feeds for fattening. The ratio of coarse and fine material in the diet of meat donkeys was: the pre-fattening period, the coarse material accounted for 55% to 65%, the concentrate was correspondingly 45% to 35%; in the middle of fattening, the coarse material accounted for 45%, fine material corresponding It is 55%; in the late period of fattening, coarse material accounts for 15%~25%, and fine material corresponds to 85%~75%.

(2) Nutrition mode of meat donkey fattening. During the entire fattening process, meat donkeys can be divided into the following five modes according to their nutritional level:

1 tall type. From the beginning to the end of fattening, the whole process of high nutrition levels.

2 medium-high type. The pre-fattening period was moderately nutritious and the post-fertility level was high.

3 low-high type. Pre-fattening low nutrient levels, late high nutritional levels.

4 high and low type. The pre-fattening high-nutrition level, the late low-nutrition level.

5 high school type. The pre-fattening high-nutrition level, the late medium nutrition level.

Under normal circumstances, the meat donkey fattening adopts the first three modes, and the latter two modes are only used in special circumstances.

(3) Slaughter weight and feed utilization rate. Slaughter weight is determined by market demand. Slaughter weight, feed consumption and utilization are also different. The general rule is that the greater the slaughter weight of the donkey, the lower the feed utilization rate.

(4) Slaughter weight and meat quality. In the same variety, meat quality has a close relationship with slaughter weight. Slaughtered donkeys are of a lower quality than the slaughtered ones.

(5) Compensation. During the growth and development of the growing donkey, the growth is hindered at some stage due to some reasons, such as insufficient feed supply, insufficient drinking water, and sudden changes in living environment conditions. When the donkey's nutritional level and environmental conditions are suitable or meet its growth and development conditions, the donkey's growth rate will exceed the normal level in a certain period of time, make up for the lost weight in the growth stage, and can catch up or exceed the normal growth. Level, this characteristic is called compensatory growth.

Whether or not the principle of compensatory growth can be used to achieve conservation of feed and save on feeding costs depends on the stage and degree of growth of the donkey's growth, that is, compensatory growth is conditional, and if it is used properly, it can be profitable; if not used properly, it will be affected. Big loss. The compensation conditions are: the time for growth inhibition does not exceed 3 months to 6 months; the growth of young pupa and embryos is hindered and the compensatory growth effect is poor; the growth caused by birth to 3 months of age is hindered and the compensatory growth effect is not good. .

(6) The end of the best fattening period. Judging the best end of meat donkey fattening, not only to save the investment of the donkey, reduce costs and so on, but also to ensure the quality of meat is of great significance. There are generally the following methods:

1 Judgment from feed intake. In the normal fattening period, the feed intake of meat donkeys has a regular pattern, that is, the absolute daily feed intake decreases with the weight gain of the fattening period, such as a drop of 1/3 or less of the normal amount, or With live weight calculation, when the daily feed intake (based on dry matter) is 1.5% or less of the body weight, the best finish of fattening has been reached.

2 Use fattening fatness index to judge. Reference can be made to the index of beef cattle, that is, using the ratio of body weight to height of live donkeys to judge. The bigger the index, the better the fattening, but not endless. According to reports, 526 is the best. Index calculation method: (body weight/body height) -100.

3 Judging from the appearance of the meat donkey. The criterion for the examination and judgment is: whether there must be fat and fat in the fat-deposited parts; and whether the deposited fat in the parts with low fat is thick and balanced.

Young fattening technology

(1) Influencing factors of fattening of young calves. The factors affecting the success of young fattening are the following: selection of the performance of the fattening donkey itself, feeding and management techniques during the fattening period, feeding and environmental conditions.

(2) Finishing feed. In the early period of fattening, the diet was mainly based on high-quality fine material, dry coarse material, silage, and bad residue. In the later period of fattening, the amount of fine feed was increased. The main objective was to produce high-quality products and meat production, increase carcass weight and increase lean meat production. In fattening production, there are three aspects to consider, namely the appropriate amount of carcass fat deposits, large carcass weight and low feeding costs.

(3) fattening management. Adopt group breeding, no sports grounds, free access to drinking water, daily cleaning of manure 1 to 2 times; use of pollution-free weight-increasing agents and growth-promoting agents; periodic deworming and immunization; use of a covered roof, Large open-mouth sheds, or using plastic film warm shed technology; timely feeding in groups to ensure the uniform growth and development of donkeys; timely adjustment of rations according to different fattening and weight gain effects; restricting the intake of individual gluttonous donkeys to prevent Excessive fat deposition reduces the quality of donkey meat.

Donkey fattening technology

(1) Concentrate type model. Mainly concentrate material, coarse material supplement. This mode of fattening is large, easy to support, can meet the needs of different grades of the market, at the same time to overcome the feed price, shelf donkey price, technical level and slaughtering segmentation technology and other limiting factors.

(2) Pre-coarse fine mode. In the early stage, more roughage was fed, and concentrates were relatively concentrated in the late stage of fattening. This type of fattening is often used in production. Pre-coarse and fine-finishing fattening mode can give full play to the characteristics and advantages of donkey's compensation production and obtain satisfactory fattening effect. In rough-to-pre-finished diets, roughage is one of the major nutrient sources for meat donkeys. Therefore, special emphasis should be placed on the feeding of roughage. Mixing a variety of roughage and succulent feed, the effect is better. In the pre-rough post-fermentation mode, the early period is generally 150 days to 180 days, roughage accounts for 30% to 50%, and the late period is 8 months to 9 months, and roughage accounts for 20%.

(3) The mode of fattening feeds for fattening. The bad residue feed is an important source of roughage in meat donkey breeding. Using it reasonably can greatly reduce the production cost of meat donkey. The bad residue feed can account for 35% to 45% of the total nutrient content of the diet. The following matters should be taken care of when feeding meat donkeys using bad residue feeds:

It is not advisable to use the bad residue feed as the sole roughage of the diet, and it should be combined with dry coarse material and silage; long-term use of distillers' grains should be supplemented with vitamin A in the diet, with daily 10,000 international units to 100,000 international units per head. The bad residue feed and other feeds should be mixed and fed; the bad feed should be fresh and the moldy feed should not be used; the bad food has different nutrient value because of different raw materials, different production processes and different water content. Large, long-term fixed feeding a certain kind of dregs should be measured in the main nutrients contained in it.

(4) Grazing fattening mode. The use of grazing and fattening in areas where pastures are available can also result in good fattening effects, but reasonable organization and good technical work are required. The first is the rational use of pasture resources. The south can grazing throughout the year, the north can grazing from May to November, and the feeding from November to April; the second is a reasonable grouping, to determine the group, according to the nature of the grassland resources reasonable grouping, medium natural grassland, each donkey should be average It has a rotational area of ​​1 hectare to 2 hectares; the third is periodic pest control and epidemic prevention. During the grazing period, feed supplements are added at night, and the amount of mixed concentrate per head per day is 1% to 1.5% of the live weight of the meat donkey, and sufficient water must be provided after supplementation.

The fat of an adult shelf donkey

Adult shelf donkeys refer to male and female donkeys and old and used donkeys aged over 3 to 4 years old. After the donkey is fattened, the meat is not as good as the young donkey after being fattened and has a high fat content. Feed rewards and economic benefits are also worse than young donkeys, but after fattening, economic value and food value have been greatly improved. The fast fattening of adult shelf donkeys is divided into two stages, ranging from 65 days to 80 days.

(1) Mature fattening period, 45 days to 60 days. This period is a crucial period for donkey fattening, and it is necessary to limit the exercise, increase the concentrate (crude protein content is higher), increase the number of feedings, and promote the growth of maggots.

(2) The intensity of fattening period is generally about 20 days. The purpose is to improve the quality of the donkey meat by increasing the amount of fat deposits between the muscle fibers so that it forms a marbled lean meat. The dietary concentration during this period can be appropriately increased and try to increase the feed intake of the donkey.

The fattening of adult shelf donkeys must be strengthened with feeding and management. The male donkey shall castrate, the donkeys for fattening shall be dewormed, the high-quality forage grass be fed, the exercise shall be reduced, and attention shall be paid to the hygiene of donkeys and donkeys. If a donkey is newly purchased from the market, it will take 15 days to adjust to reduce stress. The newly purchased donkey should drink more water, give more grass and less feed, and then start feeding a small amount of concentrate three days later.

The fattening of young shelf donkeys (production of high school stall donkeys)

The donkey's age is between 1 and a half years and 2 and a half years old. The fattening should be completed before 2 and a half years old, forming a marble or snow-like lean meat. Feeding points are:

(1) Adaptation period. In addition to self-cultivation, the newly-introduced youth shelf donkey, due to strong long-distance transportation and stress, and severe water shortage in the body, should pay attention to the supplement of water and cast high-quality hay, and return to normal after 2 weeks. The donkeys should be grouped according to the size of the strong and weak, pay attention to deworming and daily management work.

(2) feeding methods, divided into two kinds of free and restricted feeding. The former has high work efficiency and is suitable for mechanized management, but it is not easy to control the growth rate of donkeys; the latter has little feed wastage and can effectively control the growth of donkeys, but it is affected by the constraints and affects the growth rate of donkeys. In general, free-feeding is more ideal than limited-feeding.

(3) During the growth and finishing period, the focus is to promote the growth of bones, viscera and muscles of shelf donkeys. To feed high-quality feeds rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins, so that young donkeys maintain good growth and development while digestive organs get exercised. The energy feed at this stage must be limited to feeding. Finishing time is 2 months to 3 months.

(4) Mature fattening period. The breeding task at this stage is mainly the quality of donkey meat, increasing the amount of fat deposited between muscle fibers. Therefore, the proportion of roughage in the diet should not exceed 30% to 40%; the feed should be fully supplied, and the free-feeding effect should be better. Finishing time is 3 months to 4 months.

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