Out of the broiler breeding misunderstanding

1, in order to save money, the purchase of inferior or counterfeit disinfectant, after use, no effect, and some even invalid.

2, the preparation of disinfectant concentration is not accurate. After purchasing a qualified disinfectant, it must be strictly in accordance with the inst.......

High-yielding winter wheat sowing technique

In accordance with the requirements of winter wheat seedling monitoring and monitoring, combined with the actual production of winter wheat in Jingning County, the seven aspects of soil preparation, formula fertilization, soil treatment, excellent use of improved seed, seed coating, standa.......

No-till corn seeder maintenance and maintenance

First, an important note - should always pay attention to the speed of the machine, the sound is normal. After the daily operation is completed, remove the clay from the equipment, hang the grass, clean up the remaining seed fertilizer, rinse with water and dry it, and then apply anti-rust.......

Potassium Fertilizer for Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a good potassium crop. Among the three elements of fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, potassium needs to be the largest, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sweet potato tuber is 2:1:3. Therefore, if sweet potato.......