Goat's Common Vaccines and Usage

1, lamb dysentery aluminum hydroxide bacterin: for pregnant ewes, pregnant ewes before delivery 20 days to 30 days and 10 days to 20 days when the injection 1, the injection site in the hind leg on the medial subcutaneous. The vaccine doses were 2 ml and 3 ml respectively. 10 days after in.......

How to carry squash seedlings

Answer: soaking seed germination: 3 to 5 days before sowing seeds selected seeds, with 50 ~ 55 °C warm water soaking. Put the seeds into warm water and keep stirring. When the water temperature drops to 30°C, soak for 3 to 4 hours. After soaking seeds, rinse the seeds, remove the see.......

Cut flower tulip hydroponics experience sharing

Tulips are perennial herbs of the Liliaceae family and are popular with people for their large flowers and colorful colors. China began to introduce experimental cultivation in the 1990s. At present, the domestic water culture experience is mainly:

First, the selection of suitable.......

Watering will bring no need for fertilizer

When I went to the countryside, I found that many vegetable farmers had such a practice that every time they watered them with fat. Over time, a habit has been formed, that is, no matter what time or when the vegetable is grown, it must be irrigated with water when it is watered. Obviously.......

Potted flowers

Cold weather in winter, most potted flowers have to be moved into indoor conservation. In order to allow the potted plants to pass through winter safely, the pots and pans are blooming in the four seasons. During the winter season, the following six points should be noticed: 1. The lower the i.......