Fertilizer fish farming method

The application of bacterial fertilizer for fish farming is a scientific and effective new method of fish farming. It utilizes the decomposition of beneficial microorganisms in bacterial fertilizers to improve the water quality of fish ponds, provide sufficient nutrition for fish and shrimp, a.......

Productive pheasant rearing period management

The pheasant is also known as the ring-necked pheasant, pheasant, and pheasant. The pheasant fattening stage refers to the age from 16 weeks to 18 weeks of age, at which point the pheasant weight rises linearly.

1, reasonable feeding. Raw grain feeding can increase the proportion o.......

Sweet pepper's "falling on both sides" falls

Li Baoxian is a vegetable farmer in Dongzhanguan Village, Datian Township, Shouguang City. He planted color peppers for many years, and he learned that the color pepper “falls on both sides”. Master Li believes that the “one-sided downfall” has a lot of drawbacks: When .......

How to produce radish sprouts

Radish sprout is a fatty seedling formed by the germination of radish seeds. It is also called doll radish, doll radish or shellfish. The production methods are flexible and diverse, and can be produced using various facilities. For example, solar greenhouses and improved Yangshuo can be u.......

Biological safety cabinet introduction

Some people may think that the biosafety cabinet is nothing more than an iron box with a fan and some HEPA filters; in fact, the biosafety cabinet is much more complicated. Similarly, maintaining the safety of a biosafety cabinet is much more complicated than "regular .......

Winter tomato seedlings are heavy and disease resistant

Tomatoes are thermophilic vegetables. Winter nurseries require protection due to low temperatures, large temperature changes, high humidity, and poor ventilation.

The damping-off disease occurs mainly in the cotyledon stage. The base of the seedling stem is curled up into a thin li.......

Apple thinning and thinning fruit tips

When the apples are too full, not only is the quality of the fruit small, but also it consumes too much nutrients, affecting the flowers, causing the annual output to decrease and the phenomenon of size and annual results. In order to achieve high quality and stable production, the use of .......