How to fatten according to the type of cattle quality

First, cattle breeds and fattening technology. According to the production performance of cattle breeds, they can be divided into meat cattle breeds, service cattle breeds, milk cow breeds, meat and dairy breeds, meat and dairy breeds, and meat breeder breeds. Because of the different breeds, .......

Corn blast disease control

The mycelia and attached conidia in the diseased leaf tissue in the field surface and in the corn stalks can be overwintering and become the initial infection source in the second year. During the growing season of corn, the wintering fungus produces spores that spread to the leaves of the cor.......

5 cucumber slimming recipes easily scrape oil

The weight loss of cucumber:

One of the distinctive features of cucumber is its high water content of 96%-98%, which is the highest among fruits and vegetables. During the summer season, dry mouth and dry tongue, a cucumber can make the population thirsty solution, Gan Liang mouthf.......

Healthy dinner slimming recipes

Nowadays, many people are accustomed to “a sloppy breakfast, a good lunch, and a rich dinner”. This results in a continuous increase in body size. At the same time, the practice of not eating weight at dinner has also been rejected by experts. Then, wha.......

The effect of peanut

The effect of peanut

1, lower cholesterol

Peanut oil contains a large amount of linoleic acid, this substance can make the body's cholesterol decomposed into bile acid to excrete, avoid the depos.......