Zinc deficiency in corn

Maize seedlings appear "white bud disease", also known as "white seedlings", "flower white seedlings", after growth, said "flower leaf stripe disease", "white leaf dry leaf disease." Symptoms begin to appear at the 3-5 leaf .......

Pomegranate harvested after peach harvest

Myzus persicae is the most important pest of the pomegranate tree. The pomegranate is harmed by it, the fruit rots, causing fruit drop or dried fruit to hang


Clear Garden looks for pests in wintering sites to eliminate overwintering larvae. Scrape bark and plug t.......

Tomatoes to promote coloring measures

After ensuring that the light is adequate on the haystacks, cover as soon as possible to increase the light time. It is also possible to increase ventilation and transparence in the shed and promote fruit coloring by timely removal of excess branches, old leaves, diseased leaves, residual .......

Temperature management of suckling piglets

Three to four hours before the birth of the piglet, all warming equipment is ready and normal work is started. The lamp is highly suitable and the bedding is kept warm and comfortable. The delivery room temperature should be controlled at 22-25 0C. According to the age and dynamics of the .......

Feeding management of pregnant sows

First, add and subtract sow feed. In the first 10 to 15 days before the sow's production, the lactation diet is gradually changed to prevent sudden changes in feed after sow production, causing sow indigestion and piglet diarrhoea. If the sow has a good sensation and the breast enlarge.......

Shed room leeks harvest three knife hoe management

In the production of leeks in winter greenhouses, only two knives are generally harvested to facilitate rooting and improve the quality of leeks. However, after the harvest of two knives and leeks is completed, some vegetable farmers will continue to produce three knives in order to increa.......