Black fungus sugar production

Black fungus sugar production

The content of iron in black fungus is particularly rich and easy to absorb. It also contains a kind of plant collagen. It has strong adsorption power, and it also has the functions of strengthening stomach and spleen, soothe the nerves, moistening the blood and removing blood stasis. It is a black food that is beneficial to people with iron deficiency anemia. The black fungus processing technology is introduced as follows:

The raw material formula is 350 grams of black fungus powder, 1000 grams of red sugar, 100 grams of water, and a little cooking oil and flavor. Take the sugar and dissolve it in water first, filter it to remove impurities, put it in a clean pot, and cook it over slow fire. Use high-quality black fungus to remove impurities, soak it, clean it, dry it, put it into a grinder, grind it into a powder, and sieve the powder for later use. Must first bubble through the fungus, cleaned, dried and then milled to remove impurities. Mixing must be uniform. To avoid the product contains powder and affect product quality. When the sugar liquid is thickened, add the black fungus powder and flavor, stir it while adding, and mix it evenly. When using caramel, it is best to use vacuum concentration. The temperature should not be too high to avoid burn-in. Spread the cooked sesame oil or peanut oil on a clean enamel surface, and pour the ceased sugar liquid into the enamel tray. After a little cold, turn the sugar into a blank. While hot, the flattened sugar billet is cut into strips of 4 cm, 3 cm and 3 cm in length using a knife, cooled and sealed in an aseptic chamber. After passing inspection, it can be sold.

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