High and low temperature test chamber wet ball test method

The high-low temperature test box wet ball test method also uses the humidity sensor direct measurement method; the control and display operation interface adopts the method of temperature and humidity separation independent and temperature and humidity combined controller. In addition to c.......

Detection of tumor necrosis factor by ELISA

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a protein with a molecular weight of 17,000 produced by activated monocyte macrophages stimulated by endotoxin. Among them, TNF-α produced by macrophages is a cytokine that mediates cytotoxic effects by macrophages; TNF-β produc.......

How to raise pigs in the cold season?

First, the change in feed nutrition

In the cold season, in order to keep the pigs warm, an energy feed can be added to the feed, and corn can be used as a substitute for bran in the feeds of the formulated pigs and nursing sows to increase the pig's energy level.

In the autumn .......

How to choose the mushroom cultivation field

The selection of edible fungi cultivation sites should pay attention to the following three points: First, it is necessary to provide convenience for drainage, and there is a source of drinking water for daily use. Drainage is unimpeded, and there is no waterlogging in the rainy season. The se.......

Soybeans bloom a lot, no scarring

A: There are many reasons that may cause low rate of soybean scarring, such as severe drought, abnormally high temperature during soybean flowering, high planting density, unpleasant fields, long soybeans, improper use of herbicides, insecticides, and post growth regulators. , may result in fa.......

Hairy rabbit winter hair growth and high yield technology

Hair growth and high yield technology for long-haired rabbits is an important part of raising rabbits. Especially in the cold winter is more important. Combining the actual experience of rabbit farmers across the country, we will now introduce the winter hairy rabbit hair growth technique .......

Rabbits in autumn and winter feeding and management

First, the autumn climate is suitable, adequate feed and nutritious, is a good season for raising rabbits. The focus of feeding and management in the fall is to grasp the management of autumn and wool-changing period. 1, do a good job in autumn work. Autumn is another breeding golden season fo.......

Pigeons gain efficiency and skill

1. Bathing. The pigeons are given a water bath of 2 to 3 times a month, and the warm days are chosen to be taken at noon on sunny days. Adding 0.1% potassium permanganate solution to the bath water can make the pigeons clean and healthy. 2. Cut wings. After 4 to 5 hours from the shell, the mea.......

9 seasons for fish growth season

1. Protect against hunger. Fish eat a large amount of food in the high season and should be fed more feed. In order to raise grasses, alfalfa and tilapia, ponds such as bran, pancake, and bean dregs should be fed with fresh bait such as tender grass, plant stems and leaves. Under normal ci.......

Fish to prevent prostate cancer

A. Volcker, Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Karolinska Institute of Medicine who participated in the study, said that he and his colleagues plan to conduct more in-depth studies to further understand why eating more fish can prevent prostate cancer.

According to reports, a .......

Six issues that breeding sheep should pay attention to

“Three sheep in the family are better than one mu of grain.” Raising sheep has become a gateway for farmers to get out of poverty. However, many farmers have some problems in the sheep industry, which limits the benefits of farming.

First, it is not possible to raise on.......