Rotary blade installation and adjustment

(1) Installation of the blade

There is no special requirement for the installation of the chisel blade. The chisel knife has a straight hook shape. It has strong earthing ability. It has poor soil properties and it is easy to rent grass. It is suitable for the weeds and the compact.......

It is better to drink milk than seven tofu milk

The Los Angeles Times has reported that milk is usually considered a healthy food, but Karen Dawn, the contributing author of the animal protection channel of Brackleville Press (the fourth largest publisher in the world), made a different argument. After comprehensive research on milk, Da.......

The most "aphrodisiac" food

Half of the love in the world is related to eating, but few people count how many "sex" blessings are eaten. When eating is more important than eating full, eating "sex" blessings may be more important than eating full....

Do not use aphrodisiac drugs can also c.......

Winter Farm Vehicle Water Notice

In winter, the weather is cold, and the working conditions of agricultural vehicles are deteriorating. If improper cooling water is used, the body is easily damaged. Therefore, the winter water for agricultural vehicles should pay attention to the following matters. 1. Don't rush to put wa.......

The new point of mustard cultivation

Timely sowing: new land, good varieties, timely sowing, planting and applying base fertilizer, irrigating the water, after subterranean seeding, spraying the surface of new high-fat membrane soil, water repellent evaporation, sunscreen drought, insulation and antifreeze, soil .......

High-yielding hens

First, the pine needles fed not only nutritious, but also contains phytoalexin, can promote the growth of livestock and poultry, prevent gastrointestinal diseases and various vitamin deficiency. According to statistics, adding 6% pine needle powder to the chicken diet can increase the egg prod.......

Tomatoes are resistant to breast cancer

Scientists said that there is evidence that tomatoes, especially tomato tomatoes, tomatoes and tomato juice, can help fight breast cancer. Prior to this, studies have shown that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of men suffering from prostate cancer and heart disease. Now, a study funded.......

Barbecue eat more myopia worse

Young people are often prone to overuse of eyes, resulting in visual fatigue. If you eat too much scorched and smoked protein foods at this stage, you can cause abnormal calcium metabolism in the body, causing calcium deficiency, its role is like a catalyst, and promote the occurrence of m.......