Calcium supplement recipes for kids on the table

To increase the calcium of children is the key to calcium supplementation. There are many ways to supplement calcium, usually exercise more and exercise, absorb sunlight to synthesize vitamin D, eat cod liver oil, etc. Of course, the healthiest diet or calcium supp.......

Iron Lohan tea - Origin


Wuyi Rock Tea is produced in the Wuyishan area in the north of Fujian Province and is the best in Chinese oolong tea. One of China's ten famous teas. Wuyi Rock Tea has the fragrance of green tea, and the glycol of black t.......

Types of microbial starters and how to choose starters

The microbial starter can be applied to fertilizer fermentation or feed fermentation, and is a high-tech microbial product emerging in recent years. The microbial starter can allow domestic waste to be fermented in a short period of time, producing the organic fertilizer or feed we need. I.......

What nutrients are easy to lack for vegetarians?

Many people choose vegetarian food because of religious beliefs, eating habits, or from a health perspective. Vegetarian food has become a very popular diet. There are many different vegetarian diets. Vegans do not eat any animal products, including meat, eggs, milk, or even honey. Many ve.......

What fruits to eat in winter

In the cold winter, most people pay attention to health. However, most people do not include fruit in their own health list. In fact, as long as you eat fruit, it will be helpful for you who are weak. The following small series for everyone to introduce what winter should eat what fruit: <.......

Dandelion soaked in water

The effect of dandelion soaked in water to clear away heat and detoxify

The role of dandelion soaked in water:

Dandelion is a precious Chinese herbal medicine, which is sweet, bitter and cold. It has various functions such as detoxification, detoxification, anti-inflammator.......