Shed vegetable response to severe weather

Several cold weather, severe winds, strong cooling, continuous yin, rain and snow and other severe weather occur frequently. The pest prevention and control team of the vegetable industry innovation system of Hebei Province reminded the province&#.......

Potato urea and some ammonium nitrate solution

The urea ammonium nitrate solution is prepared from urea, ammonium nitrate and water. It combines three kinds of nitrogen sources and can exert various nitrogen source advantages. Production practice also proves that the effect of applying urea am.......

Management measures before and after Fuji apple picking

Doing autumn autumn pruning can improve the light transmission condition, improve the light transmittance of the canopy, make each branch evenly light, ensure the coloration of the fruit, reduce the inefficient consumption of nutrients, and promote nutrient accumulation. The autumn shears .......

High-yield cultivation techniques for peas

Pea is one of the main winter crops in the south. Each acre of peas can fix 5.45 kilograms of free nitrogen per year from the atmosphere, making it suitable for rotation with other crops. The cultivated peas are divided into two categories: cereal.......