Walnut pollution-free cultivation method

First, the scope of application of this regulation

1. This regulation applies to the production of green walnut pollution-free base.

2. The walnut trees are required to be planted on sunny slopes on the sunny side of the sun and some walnut trees are planted on the slopes, .......

Greenhouse mulberry cultivation techniques

Mulberry is rich in nutrients and has high medicinal value and edible value. In recent years, some picking gardens in southern Anhui and other places have implemented the wrong season cultivation of greenhouse mulberry, and the ear.......

Latest zucchini cultivation techniques

Zucchini is more resistant to low temperature, so it can not only be planted in spring, but also can be planted in autumn, but the temperature in the summer season is too high, the sunshine is long, the amount of female flower is small, and it is .......

When the pomegranate garden is filled in winter

Answer: The time for pomegranate garden winter irrigation is generally 5 centimeters deep and the average soil temperature is stable at 5 °C. At this time, even if the nighttime temperature drops below 0°C, freezing will occur and the temperature can still thaw after daytime temperat.......

Tomato color change attention

Tomato color change refers to the process that the fruit turns from green to red and gradually matures. In the color change stage of tomato fruit, if the management operation is improper, it is easy to make the tomato fruit form a "flower fac.......