What should you pay attention to in winter fertilization?

With the improvement of people's living conditions, most people will raise some flowers in their homes to cultivate sentiment. The hanging orchids believe that many people have their own homes. It not only has an elegant appearance, but also has a strong role in purifying the air. It i.......

Jujube drought prevention

Answer: Jujube is relatively strong in drought resistance, but if the long-term drought can not meet the minimum water requirement for jujube growth and development, it will seriously affect the growth and development of jujube trees and results. Prevent and cure measures against jujube drough.......

Pruning and management of camphor tree

Our country is the origin of the camphor. Since ancient times, there have been traditional habits of planting camphors in front of houses and in the fields in rural areas of China. Axillary buds not only contain high protein, fat, vitamins and oth.......

Key points of garlic cultivation techniques

Apply 5,000 kg of organic fertilizer and 40 kg of potassium sulphate before applying the base fertilizer. After fertilization, plow 25 cm and finely plan the ground.
Before the seed treatment, the garlic, which has disease, dry rot and injury, will be removed. When the garlic is smashed, .......