How to apply fertilizer after apricot picking

Answer: After the apricot tree is harvested, the fertilizer should be mainly nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer. For each 50 kg of apricot fruit, about 1.5 to 2 kg of nitrogen and 1 to 1.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer are applied. At the same time, a.......

Xia Wei Vegetable Management

Take care when taking the seedlings to reduce the wound

At present, most of the nursery use nursery nurseries or trays, and the seedlings are not noticed, and it is easy to cause damage to the roots and stems. It is recommended that the ve.......

Fresh vegetable seeds can be distinguished

Take a look, hand pressure, tooth bite, mouth taste, nose odor and many other ways to test the seeds of the new, Chen method, quickly and easily, as long as the proper grasp, the accuracy of identification is also very high, especially for the majority of vegetable farmers in the purchase of i.......

Excessive application of NPK fertilizer

The hazard of excessive nitrogen supply to crops. The large application of nitrogen fertilizer will also make the cotton buds rare and easy to fall off, the sugar yield of beet roots decreased, the yield of fiber crops decreased, and the fiber qua.......

Banana fertilization grasps two periods

The demand for nutrients in bananas generally increases as the leaf stage increases. The growth and development of banana 18-40 leaves is decisive for the yield and quality of bananas, so this period is an important fertilization period for banana.......

Peanut live broadcast technical points

Peanut summer live production technology can not only effectively solve the main problems of labor, poor seeding quality and weak seedling stage, but also facilitate wheat mechanical harvesting and peanut mechanical sowing, which is of great signi.......

Fruit tree fertilization technology

First, the base

Use 200-250 grams of boron per acre or 500-1000 grams of borax, or 5-10 grams of boron for each tree or 20-40 grams of borax (according to the size of the canopy), or combine with compound fertilizer and organic Fertilizer .......

Pepper middle and late management technology

First, reasonable irrigation

During the fruiting period of peppers from July to August, special attention should be paid to the irrigation technique. It is necessary to make small irrigation or interspersed irrigation. It must not be flood.......

Two methods of chestnut summer fertilization

In order to improve the yield and quality of chestnut, chestnut trees should be fertilized in summer, and there are two main methods of fertilization:

Soil fertilization method The chestnut orchard with thin soil and severe fertilizer defi.......