Prevention and treatment of corn ear rot and grain rot

Prevention and treatment of corn ear rot and grain rot

[Distribution and damage] occurs in all corn producing areas. Especially during the harvest period, it is humid and humid, and the ventilation period is poor and the incidence is heavy. It is caused by infestations with Fusarium graminearum Schw., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus sp., and the like. A.flavus Link in Aspergillus not only damages corn, but also produces toxic metabolites that cause poisoning in humans and livestock.
[Symptoms] mainly on the ears and grains, the top or middle of the affected ear is discolored, and pink, blue-green, dark gray or dark brown, yellow-brown mildew layer, that is, mycelial conidial stems and conidia of pathogenic bacteria . The diseased seeds turn reddish-brown, dull, full, brittle, and empty inside, often stuffed with interwoven hyphae. The head of the ear disease is often penetrated by dense mycelium, and sticking together sticks to the ear and does not peel easily.
【Infectious Diseases】 The pathogens overwinter on seeds and diseased bodies and are the source of initial infection. The pathogens mainly invade the wounds. The conidia spread by wind and rain, the temperature is 8~20°C, and the relative humidity is above 75%, which is conducive to the occurrence of diseases. In the cool regions, it was cold and rainy during the later period of childbirth and the incidence was heavy.
[control methods]
1. Agricultural control implements crop rotations to eliminate the diseased bodies. Seed disinfection. Suitable sowing, reasonable dense planting, reasonable fertilization, promote early maturity. Pay attention to pest control and reduce wounds. Fully matured and harvested. Store fully in the air after storage.
2. Before the sowing of the chemical, 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times was inoculated for 24 hours. After soaking, rinse with water to sow. The heading stage was sprayed with 50% carbendazim WP or 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000 times. Focus on spraying the ear and the lower stems and leaves, spraying again every 7 days.

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