Autumn kale cultivation technology

Autumn kale cultivation technology

Chinese kale, also known as kale, is a herbaceous plant of the family Brassicaceae. It is one of the specialty vegetables in South China. It is very edible with its scapes and young leaves. It is a very healthy vegetable. Chinese kale can be planted in most parts of South China for a long period of time. However, in autumn and winter cultivation, the following points must be made for high production in production:

I. Variety selection

In the early autumn, it is better to choose middle-early-maturing hybrid kale (such as sinroblastic blue, green-cress mustard, etc.) or Chinese kale (brown), which has a relatively short growth period and good heat resistance. Over-wintering cultivation should choose to use late flowering mustard blue or coarse mossy kale, etc. These varieties have a long growth period, good growth at low temperature, good quality, harvesting single moss can be timely harvest side of the moss.

Second, land selection

Chinese kale is a kind of vegetable with strong aerobic root system. Therefore, for cultivation of kale, we should choose those that have convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layers, and neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam soil or sandy soil blocks rich in organic matter.

Third, nurture strong seedlings

1. Conditionally available peat soil or cocoon and other substrates for soilless seedlings, 72-hole seedlings should be used. Without soilless seedlings, self-producing nutritious soils can be used, and 6 parts of sterile manure and 4 parts of fully decomposed farmyard manure are piled together, and 2 kg of ternary compound fertilizer per cubic meter is fully mixed and spread in the nursery stock. Or install seedling trays.

2, sowing: nursery seedlings or seedlings discs planted water, seedling trays use on-demand, 1 to 2 per hole, seedlings in the use of sowing, seedling bed per square meter with 10 grams, per acre production field need nursery bed 20 square meters, covered with dry fine soil 0.3-0.5 cm after sowing.

3, after covering with black gauze sowing, play a role in shade moisturizing. Cotyledons unearthed in time to remove the black screen, but generally can not be watered, this time to properly reduce the humidity of nursery soil to prevent young seedlings grow into tall feet.

4, and time seedlings, plug seedlings to ensure a hole, a nursery bed seedlings keep the seedling spacing of 3 cm, the extra use of nails to pick up the growth point.

5, to maintain the surface of the wet, pay attention to the prevention of damping-off seedling disease and jump, a diamondback moth damage the growing point.

Fourth, colonization

1, kale general seedling age 22 to 25 days can be planted.

2. Soil preparation for soil preparation: 2500-3000 kg of pig manure or chicken manure per acre shall be sufficient for decomposing pig manure or chicken manure, 50 kg of superphosphate, 25 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, deep ploughing and flattening, making a ditch width of 1.5-2.0 m Deep ditch.

3. Density of planting: The spacing of middle-early-maturing varieties is 2025 cm, and that of middle-late-maturing varieties is 2530 cm. After planting, the planting water shall be soaked, and the black gauze shall be covered in the early autumn, which is beneficial to slow seedlings. It is advisable to choose sunny planting during wintering cultivation, and the high temperature may promote slow seedlings.

V. Field Management

1. Watering: Chinese kale prefers moist soil conditions, but it is not tolerant to pods. It must be irrigated with water after planting to promote new roots so that the seedlings can quickly recover. The relative humidity of the field soil should always be kept at full water capacity. 80% to 90%. If the leaves are bright green, oily and less waxy, it is a sign that water is abundant and grows well. If the leaves are small, the color is dark, and the wax powder is too much, it is the performance of water shortage. Watering should be timely.

2. Topdressing: mainly in the early stage mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, using the method of spraying with water or root hole, pay attention to a small number of times, more than 15 days before the harvest to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by foliar topdressing organic ecological fertilizer . Of course, every time after top dressing, it must be watered in time.

3. Cultivated and cultivated soil: The cultivation of kale must avoid the compaction of the soil and it is very important to maintain the permeability of the root. Therefore, the cultivator should be cultivated in time. In order to ensure that the root system of the kale is not damaged during the cultivator, the root can be properly applied during cultivating. earth.

VI. Pest Control

1. Diseases: Kale disease rarely occurs, but the main disease of kale in the old vegetable areas is downy mildew, and Sclerotinia disease also occurs in some places. In the early stage of the onset of downy mildew, it is sprayed with 50% dimethomorph WP 2500-3000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500-800 times or 65% dexamethasone wettable powder 500-700 times. Once every 7 days, 2 or 3 times in a row. The initial stage of Sclerotinia is 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 500 times, or 25% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times liquid, once every 7 days for two or three consecutive times.

2. Insect pests: Common pests include fleas, cabbage caterpillars, diamondback moths, leafminers, and aphids.

The main insect pests are fleas and diamondback moths. In particular, the prevention and control of the jump is the most important, it is appropriate to adopt comprehensive prevention and control, old vegetable areas or large areas of leafy vegetable growing areas, before the planting must be most of the killing of adult beetles, you can use a jump, a priority , A good clearance and other drug sprays, can also be used 5% chlorpyrifos granules per kilogram per acre soil mix. Special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of the larvae of the flea beetles. The larvae of the flea beetles infested the roots of the kale, and many of them showed poor plant growth or wilting of the plants shortly after planting, resulting in irregular growth or lack of seedlings in the kale field. White larvae can be seen in the plants and can be treated with 4.5% beta-cypermethrin 800 times to root. Plutella xylostella is difficult to control due to its high drug resistance. It can be used interchangeably or mixed with drugs such as Frigoxylate, Hixi, Diju, Methoquinone, and Abamectin + BT.

3, can not use highly toxic, high residue pesticides, pesticides during the harvest period should pay attention to safety intervals.

7. Harvesting

The kale's pods include cilantro and pods. During the formation of pods, the growth of the cilia is predominant in the early stage and the pod grows dominantly in the later stage. The stolons are thicker and more sparse between the nodes, and the pods are less delicate and tender. In order to ensure quality, it must be harvested in due course. The standard for harvesting is the Qikou period, ie, the stems of Chinese kale are roughly at the same height as the base leaves, and the bulbs have the best quality when they are harvested and opened.

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