High temperature prevention and cure effect of strawberry gray mold in greenhouse

High temperature prevention and cure effect of strawberry gray mold in greenhouse

As we all know, strawberry growers are a very difficult disease to control for strawberry growers. Once infected, the whole planter's seedlings will be endangered and almost impossible to control. Even if pesticides are sprayed, the effects are often not good, which not only takes time and effort, but also increases the cost. It also affects the quality and residual pesticide damage. Some vegetable farmers in Chengguan Town, Sheqi County, under the guidance of agricultural technicians, after long-term production practices, have summarized such an effective pollution-free prevention and control method that is to increase the room temperature to Measures at around 35°C can prevent gray molds in shelters. After the actual operation method is described below, the vegetable farmer may wish to try. The effect of pest control is significant. If it is found that gray mold strains appear in the greenhouse, this measure should be taken promptly. Every morning, the temperature of the greenhouse should be increased to 35°C. Once a day, be careful not to change the air, so that the spread of gray mold can be prevented. However, if you encounter continuous rainy weather, the disease will relapse quickly. Therefore, in this case, the temperature should be raised to about 45°C for 2 hours. After such treatment, the spread of the disease will be controlled. In addition to controlling diseases such as gray mold, the law also has a certain inhibitory effect on powdery mildew. High temperature does not pose a risk to the growth of strawberries. People generally think that the high temperature environment will have a negative effect on the growth of strawberries. However, long-term practice has proved that humidity, moisture and fertilizer are the necessary environmental and material foundations for its growth. Although humidity is one of the causes of gray mold, the difference is whether it is in a low temperature environment or a high temperature environment. This is one of the keys to preventing botrytis. In general, strawberry botrytis occurs in cold and humid environments. If the temperature in the greenhouse is too high and the humidity does not rise, the stems and leaves of the plants will suffer from high temperature burns. Therefore, for the normal growth of strawberries, while maintaining a suitable temperature, we must maintain a certain degree of humidity. High temperature control will not reduce production. Long-term production practices have proven that high temperature control will not reduce production. In order to obtain transplanted strawberry stolon plants, the seedlings should be planted on the plastic film bed in the greenhouse before mid-February, and under the condition of sealed growth, the seedlings can bloom after about 20 days. Thereafter, a circular hole with a diameter of 10 cm was opened every 3 m on the film to facilitate ventilation. At the same time, the temperature under the plastic film should be controlled to rise to about 45°C every day to encourage the plants to set fruit as soon as possible. Even in this high temperature environment, the fruit size and yield were not affected. In this way, until mid-December, the stem length of the plant reached about 30 centimeters, and artificial illumination was not conducted without electric energy. The seedlings continued to grow and did not enter into a dormant state. In addition, the temperature in the shed will fall rapidly after entering the winter, and in order to maintain the minimum suitable growth temperature of 5°C to 8°C, geothermal energy and other heat preservation measures can be used. However, during the night in winter, it is often the peak of strawberry and tomato gray mold. In order to reduce the humidity, some dry wheat straw can be laid on the path between trampolines to absorb the moisture in the air so as to achieve the purpose of destroying gray mold. At the same time, it also saves a lot of money and reduces costs. For this pollution-free prevention and treatment of strawberry gray mold, the majority of farmers may wish to try.

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