Do not eat frozen fruits and vegetables

The weather was cold and many fruits and vegetables were frozen during transportation. Nutrition experts remind consumers to pay attention to the purchase of fruits. After being frozen, fruits and vegetables will not only lose their nutritional value but also produce toxic substances.


How to add protein feed to fattening cattle

During the production of beef cattle, some specialized households often feed more concentrated feed in order to increase the length of the beef cattle. In particular, a large number of high-quality protein feeds such as bean cakes, peanut cakes and soybeans are added. It is not impossible .......

Two cases of autumn green feed cultivation

Radish Ziyunying mixed farmer said, “Shoquoku buckwheat white dew,” only refers to radish vegetables that must be planted during the summer to Bailu period. However, during that year, it was sunny and no rain during the summer and Bailu period. Fan Zengxi, who lived in Daxi Vil.......

Red wine is not suitable for seafood

Japanese researchers found that some Western foodies advocate using red wine with red meat, but not with seafood. Japanese researchers have discovered that this proposal has some scientific reasons, because some of the taste of seafood such as red wine and fish will conflict. They have fou.......

Cement ground pigs are not conducive to insulation

The concrete floor has a higher thermal conductivity and a poorer thermal insulation performance compared to brick and land; this is not a big impact on the big pigs, but fatal to the pigs. One of the characteristics of pigs is that “big pigs are afraid of heat and piglets are cold........

Tomatoes will be poisoned

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that salmonella outbreaks have occurred in nine states in the United States. Nearly one hundred people have contracted the disease and attributed the poisoning to eating raw tomatoes purchased from supermarkets or restaur.......