Heavy feed geese benefit

(A) Fermentation of grazing corn stalks. Calculated according to the fermentation of 100 kg of straw feed: (1) 0.2 kg of straw biological preparation was added to 30 kg of corn bran and stirred evenly; (2) Corn bran mixed with biological preparation was added and then added to 69.8 kg of s.......

Feed anti-mildew measures

1. Selection and breeding of antibacterial feed crop varieties

Different feed crop varieties have different susceptibility to mold, so breeding antibacterial varieties can significantly reduce the chance of the feed crop being infected by mold. This is also the fundamental approach.......

Yellow bean leaf is a good feed for livestock

According to sampling analysis of soybean leaves, soybean leaves with water content of 11.9% contained crude protein as high as 18%, lysine as 1%, and methionine and cystine as high as 103 g per kilogram of crude protein. This is not what wheat bran and fine rice bran are. It is estimated .......

Box type resistance furnace use and 6 major features

Box-type resistance furnace and 6 characteristics of box-type resistance furnace are suitable for metallographic analysis, metal heat treatment and glass firing of college laboratories, research institutes, factories, etc.; box-type resistance furnaces are also.......

Pig hybridization method

There are many ways of economical hybridization for pigs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are three ways commonly used in economic hybrids.

1. Hybrids of two varieties

Hybrids of two varieties are also called binary hybrids, and the hybrids obtained are.......

Strawberry nursery should be reasonably shaded

To cultivate strawberry seedlings, it is necessary to understand the habits of strawberries that are cool and insensitive to high temperatures and droughts. If the summer is poorly managed, the plants will suffer serious physiological disorders and even cause massive deaths. The main measu.......

Buying fry should be "five attentions"

Look at body color. Good fish fry have the same group of pigments, and their body color is fresh; poor fish fry have different pigment groups and their body color is slightly white.

Second look at the composition of groups. Good fry were tidy, plump, smooth and not muddy, swimming .......

Dealing with chicks' feathers

The farmers in the Beijing suburbs dialed the 12396 hotline for consultation. Many broiler chicks in the breeding sheds were found to have feathered feathers, which caused the death of some chickens. What should I do? The hotline breeding expert Liu Huagui researcher answers the following .......

Nutritional needs at the peak of egg production

The body weight gains faster before 40 weeks of age, and the average daily weight gain of 24 to 40 weeks is 2-4 grams; thereafter, the weight gain rate is relatively balanced and increases slightly. If the weight is reduced during the peak period of egg production, it means that the reserv.......

How to feed chickens with green feed

Green fodder is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, and it has a good effect on the growth and development of chickens. However, when using green fodder to feed chickens, the following issues must be addressed:

1. The control of fresh green feed has good palatability and the ch.......