Early rice cultivation

Wet and dry alternately promoting early-onset current, early rice should be scientific management of water, water temperature adjustment to help early hair. Fill the water with green seedlings. The water layer is suitable for 15-17mm. Based on this, it is possible.......

Wheat Midge Control Technology

The wheat midge insects have the characteristics of strong concealment and great harm. Prevention and control should be based on the prevention and control of the mid-suicide period, and the prevention and treatment of swamp-to-paving in the adult stage. We must seize the k.......

What do men have for breakfast?

Men should pay attention to breakfast, then what do men have for breakfast? Here are some foods to recommend.

What kind of breakfast is suitable for men?


Some fungus contained in yogurt can promote the health of the digestive system, reduce bloating, constipa.......

Summer vegetable downy mildew

Downy mildew is one of the main diseases caused by fungal infection on vegetables. Cucumber, Chinese cabbage, spinach, radish and other vegetables are susceptible to this disease. If not treated in time, it will cause serious damage to vegetable production.