Autumn onion cultivation techniques

First, nurturing strong seedlings: Generally sowing seedlings from the end of September to mid-October is better. Nursery sites should be selected for loose fertility, convenient drainage and irrigation, and no sand or loam grown in onions or garlic. Before sowing, it is necessary to finel.......

Peanut mulching affect the needle under the bar?

Some friends who planted peanuts for the first time this year consulted. Can peanuts penetrate the plastic film under the needle? Peanut cultivation experts of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences explained as follows:

To be sure, peanuts can penetrate the film under the needle........

Lamb fattening should pay attention to five aspects

First, choose hybrid lambs for fattening. The so-called crossbred lambs are lambs produced by cross-breeding between different sheep breeds. Because of the heterosis of the lambs they produce, under the same husbandry and management, the hybrid lambs have a large number of .......

Why is the leek red?

Leek is a green leafy vegetable, but after being fried, the soup is red. This bright color also makes us have a good mood for eating. But why is the leek red? Let's see why.

Why is the leek red?
