Eat passion fruit can cure cough

Passion fruit has high nutritional value, contains vitamin A, B vitamins and rich sugars, minerals, protein and fat, and vitamin C content is also very high, so it has excellent health care efficacy, then passion fruit cough ?

Can p.......

Summer pipe vegetable water and fertilizer when reasonable

At present, it is the planting period or growth period of summer vegetables, the summer season is high, and the light is strong. The key point for vegetable management is to strengthen water and fertilizer management, because rational watering and fertilizing are crucial to the quality and.......

The summer solstice should eat five types of food health

Summer Solstice Health Five Food Introduction

Yangxin food

The heat of the summer solstice is most likely to disturb the mind and make people feel restless, easily annoying, red in the heart, and the summer solstice may wish to eat red food to protect the heart. The red foo.......

Carefully manage the safety of strawberry over the summer

Irrigation moisturizing found ground white cracking, furrow irrigation at night, until the soil is wet, stop irrigation, remove the ditch water; no irrigation conditions place water drought every morning and evening, pay attention to pouring feet, drench, keep the soil moist.
